Category: Employee Recognition

Employee Recognition incentive programs

Reflecting on Thanksgiving and Appreciation

Reflections of Thanksgiving and AppreciationEven though the Thanksgiving holiday is almost a week past, memories are still fresh enough that many are still talking about the good food, fellowship and festive spirit enjoyed.  Our appreciation of the blessings we often take for granted is heightened as we reflect on time spent with family and friends.

Thanksgiving and appreciation for family is top of mind during the holidays, but as an employer you should also be diligent in recognizing employees and expressing appreciation for their contributions to the organization.  Employee appreciation should be frequent and a combination of structured, comprehensive recognition and spontaneous expressions of thanks.

Not sure where to begin?  Kazim Ladimeji lists 5 ways to recognize employees in this article for  According to Kazim, expressing appreciation is valuable, effective and can be implemented without stretching budgets.

  • Saying “thank you” boosts engagement, especially when being specific about the behavior or performance you are thanking someone for.
  • Recognize deserving employees 3-4 times per month.
  • Recognition from coworkers imparts a greater sense of value.
  • Communicate accomplishments and recognized achievement to the rest of the organization – make them famous among their peers and coworkers.
  • Incorporate intrinsic motivators –
    • Sense of meaningfulness
    • Sense of choice
    • Sense of competence
    • Sense of progress

These expressions of appreciation are insightful and practical – and common components in comprehensive employee recognition programs.  Kazim points out that there must be clear criteria for receiving recognition and the program should be inclusive of all employees.  Structure is necessary for maximum effect.

Contact us to find out more about structuring your employee recognition program for maximum effectiveness, and about utilizing IncenTrac to easily manage all aspects of your program.

Whether your Mission is a Comet or Motivation-Tracking is a Necessity

Getting to a comet from Earth doesn’t happen overnight, but most Earthlings would be fairly pleased with the distance between themselves and the massive objects in our solar system. And if your destination is 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the trip would take you over seven years. Most scientists would consider the time a worthy investment for the knowledge… Read more »

A Seasonal Perspective on Program Strategy

It’s the middle of autumn. It’s getting darker earlier every day. The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are still a month or more away. I know of many people (including me) who find that these seasonal circumstances can conspire to make them a bit sluggish. I’ve also seen companies that have been driving hard toward their… Read more »

Incentive Programs in a Connected World

If you are a regular reader, you may have noticed that several of our blog entries stress the importance of effective program communication within any incentive program.  Whether you are awarding years of service points in an employee recognition program or communicating your latest sales promotion within a channel sales program it is important to… Read more »

Employee Recognition : When it Rains it Pours

For those of our readers who reside within the greater Memphis area, you probably have a special appreciation for my appropriately timed blog-post title.  Today the Memphis area has been under flash flood warnings for the majority of the morning and afternoon. The sudden downpour made me think about a challenge faced by employee recognition… Read more »