Year: 2023

A New Year and a New Beginning

A new beginning can bring optimism and hope and propel us into a new season energized with a positive perspective and renewed resolve. As we transition to the new year, I hope our reflection about the events and experiences of 2023 will shape expectations for 2024.

As this year ends, I am truly grateful for the many blessings experienced, the challenges overcome, the lessons learned, and time well spent with family, friends, and the QIC family. Considering just how much our success depends upon each other, I want to express my appreciation to those who made 2023 memorable and worthwhile.

The QIC Team – thank you for serving each other and our clients with professionalism and respect. Your character and commitment to excellence are second to none.

Our clients – thank you for trusting us with your business and allowing us to serve you and participate in your success.

Our families – thank you for your unwavering support as we do what we do every day.

A New Beginning and Positive Perspective

As you reflect on 2023, be balanced in your assessment by not focusing exclusively on unachieved goals or unfulfilled resolutions. Remember, too, that there are lessons learned in goals not achieved – so be fair with yourself! This means you must regularly assess and, as life happens, adjust as you go.

A New Beginning and Renewed Resolve

A new beginning gives us the opportunity to start afresh. Just don’t go crazy – set reasonable, obtainable goals – limited to a few things instead of eight or ten. And add something fun or personal. Is there something you’ve always wanted to try or learn? Maybe learn to play a musical instrument, take an art class, or learn a new language? How about continuing education?

2024 will be full of new challenges, experiences, and lessons. With a positive perspective and renewed resolve – let’s make it the best ever!

On behalf of the entire QIC family, we wish you a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year!

An Accident Waiting to Happen

You have probably heard the phrase “an accident waiting to happen” – or used it yourself to refer to a person or environment that is dangerous or unsafe. According to the phrase is of US origin and first appeared in print in the October 6, 1905 edition of the Central Kansas Democrat: “We heard… Read more »

Engagement, Recognition, and Safety Strategies Drive Positive Business Outcomes

Last week we mentioned some of the impacts related to the labor shortage and employee recruitment and retention challenges. With less-than-full staffing, employers pressed to maintain operational, production, and service demands are employing a variety of strategies to these ends. Our experience in helping deliver profitable business outcomes centers around comprehensive programs that develop and… Read more »

Overcoming Employee Recruitment and Retention Challenges in the Workplace

With 2023 nearing its final stretch, I’m not exactly going out on a limb to say the same uncertainty and change affecting workplaces will continue into the New Year and beyond. Employers are struggling to overcome challenges in the areas of productivity, safety incidents, and absenteeism – but the most pressing challenge for many industries… Read more »

Why Non-Cash Incentive Programs?

In today’s uncertain economy and labor market, leadership teams may not recognize the value of non-cash incentive programs. With hiring down 40 percent from a year ago and layoffs continuing to make headlines, the workplace and workforce continue to evolve – and this is true for virtually all industries. QIC’s John Newman, writing for,… Read more »

Delivering Recognition for America’s Professional Truck Drivers

When it comes to professional truck drivers, they are like a lot of things in life – taken for granted. Perhaps you’ve never considered how much we depend upon America’s drivers for almost all our essential goods and resources. In recognition and appreciation of drivers and their dedicated service, September 10-16 has been designated National… Read more »