
Industry insights from our experts

Why Businesses Need a New Holiday Playbook this Thanksgiving

Traditionally, small holiday cash bonuses and a cliché Christmas party are what most businesses settle for to thank employees before rolling into the next year. But this year has been far from traditional. Hiring has all but stopped, and it is increasingly difficult to retain the employees you do have.

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Selling Into the Headwinds of Today’s Unique Environment

Attempting to sell products that can’t be delivered on time is growing increasingly frustrating. Inflation is raising expenses across the board, and companies find themselves with less cash on hand and a limited capacity to take on new expenditures.

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Are Employers Putting the Cart Before the Horse?

81 percent of corporate leaders believe their company will deliver a strong financial performance in 2022. However, if you dive deeper and look at what most employees are saying about their companies, you uncover a discrepancy that could turn this balmy outlook quite bleak and extend private sector struggles well beyond any COVID-19-related obstacles.

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Why Employers Need a Wakeup Call This Employee Appreciation Day

Like it or not, COVID-19 has upended the modern workplace and increased employees’ expectations and willingness to walk away if those expectations aren’t met. In fact, fewer than a third of employees say they feel engaged at work, while recent data suggests that just 17 percent of executives consider increasing employee engagement to be a top priority. This disconnect has led to what is now being called ‘The Great Resignation.’

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International HR Day 2022 Highlights New Workplace Reality

Traditional business philosophy held that top talent was attracted to growing or industry-leading firms offering competitive pay. And that may still be true for some professionals. However, according to recent data, most employees now prioritize work-life balance and office culture over financial perks or company growth when evaluating current or prospective employers.

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The Economics of Safety

Right now, businesses are struggling with record inflation, supply chain bottlenecks, and a persistent labor shortage, all of which have contributed to skyrocketing expenses and forced management teams to evaluate where they can cut costs and boost efficiency. While no business can do much about these macroeconomic headwinds, decisionmakers do have the discretion to choose what and how they will adjust when it comes to those factors that are in their control such as operating costs and pricing.

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Safety Isn’t a New Gym Membership

As published on ohsonline.com Each January, as we look to the year ahead and all it might offer, millions of Americans purchase gym memberships for themselves or a friend or family member hoping that “this is the year” they will finally get in shape. Gyms know this and cleverly exploit our collective predictability. Toward the end… Read more »

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Truck Driver Appreciation Should Look Different This Year

As published on Medium.com This week, businesses across the country celebrate National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. And this year, the annual recognition carries special significance, as professional truck drivers are more essential to the sustainability of the American economy than at any other point in history. Prior to COVID-19, professional truck drivers were responsible for moving 70 percent… Read more »

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The New High-Yield Investment — People

As published on Medium.com The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) definition of an asset is “a resource controlled by [an] enterprise…from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the enterprise.” For as long as any of us can remember in the era of modern, technology-centric business, company assets have been largely product or service innovations —… Read more »

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Recognition — A Holiday Lifeline For Businesses

As published on Medium.com Now is the perfect time to recognize employees for all their hard work this year. And not just because it’s Thanksgiving. Since the beginning of the year, the U.S. has entered a recession, inflation has soared to record highs, the Fed has continued to raise interest rates, supply chain bottlenecks have shown… Read more »

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The New, Bottom-Up Job Market

As published on Medium.com How employees are test driving businesses then leaving them on the lot What do established businesses and new cars have in common? Certainly not the smell and not nearly the size or horsepower. However, dangerous trends are emerging when it comes to consumers testing out what an upgrade feels like. Translated for… Read more »

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International HR Week Shines New Light On Modern HR Challenges

As published on Medium.com In today’s market, human resources (HR) professionals have never been more important. And their jobs have never been more difficult. According to the most recent data, U.S. GDP growth continues to miss market expectations, while inflation remains high, and the employment picture worsens. Given all these factors, the U.S. economy is at serious… Read more »

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Safety Starts with Engagement

As published on ohsonline.com Declining Employee Engagement According to Gallup’s most recent data, the percentage of engaged employees across the country has dropped by 4 percent over the past 2 years, following nearly a decade of steady increases. Simultaneously, “active disengagement” among both full- and part-time employees increased by the same amount. Additionally, at 1.8:1, the ratio… Read more »

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AI and The Modern Workplace: A Manager’s Guide to Disruptive Leadership

As published on Medium.com In today’s evolving digital landscape, the continued integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into business practices will only accelerate. From streamlining processes to enhancing decision-making, AI technologies promise improved efficiency and productivity across industries. However, amid the fervor surrounding AI’s potential, it’s crucial to consider its impact on the human element within… Read more »

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What Motivates and Engages Employees in 2024?

As published on Medium.com As businesses navigate today’s constantly evolving work landscape, one thing remains clear: employee engagement and performance are more critical than ever. Organizations across industries are grappling both with unprecedented challenges and opportunities, driven by technological advancements, shifts in work culture, and the lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Given these new… Read more »

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Celebrating National Safety Month: A Call to Rethink Workplace Safety

As published on OHSonline.com June is National Safety Month, and it’s essential to use these few weeks to reflect on the critical importance of workplace safety, employee engagement, and the recognition of safe behaviors. Investing in safety initiatives not only protects employees but also provides significant financial benefits, boosting companies’ return on investment (ROI). The… Read more »

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