Tag: recognition

A Lifestyle of Gratitude

A Lifestyle of GratitudeWith Thanksgiving upon us I sincerely wish you a day of reflection and peace, along with the opportunity to express gratitude to those that mean so much to you.  Just do it – and you and they will be better for it!  As Lynette Silva (Recognize This!) points out, expressing gratitude makes us want to connect to others in a more meaningful way.  It also builds trust and positively affects performance and satisfaction.

Rob Miklas referred to a couple of clichés in last week’s post, and the notion of expressing thanks and showing gratitude during this season could also be considered overused – but valuable.  In the spirit of putting into practice my own advice to others – here goes.

I am thankful for our clients.  We are fortunate to have a diverse client base consisting of all sizes and types of incentive and recognition programs from a wide array of industries.  We value getting to know our clients as we design, implement and support programs that benefit organizations, employees and/or their customers.  Through these programs we have the opportunity to literally deliver happiness to many, many thousands of people – very satisfying!

I am grateful for our company.  The QIC team consists of many dedicated, knowledgeable and exceptional employees.   QIC’s departments – distribution, account management, business development, operations, technology, procurement, accounting, redemption services and leadership – are staffed with professional, able individuals willing to go above and beyond to ensure the success of our clients.

I am also thankful to have a beautiful family, loyal friends, and so much more!  Thanksgiving causes us to realize not only how enriched our lives are because of others – but also how much we take them for granted.  Perhaps adopting a lifestyle of gratitude is a worthy goal this season.  Lynette Silva suggests that we use Thanksgiving to launch a new resolution: identify three things each day that we are grateful for and express that gratitude to others.  I couldn’t agree with her more.

On behalf of the QIC team – Happy Thanksgiving!

Be a Recognition Champion

Behind every successful organization, project, or team, there is a knowledgeable and well-informed person leading the way. Recently as I watched several football games, I caught myself thinking about how important it is to have someone take pride and ownership of their roll. As a coach you must be fully devoted to the success of… Read more »

Reflecting on Thanksgiving and Appreciation

Even though the Thanksgiving holiday is almost a week past, memories are still fresh enough that many are still talking about the good food, fellowship and festive spirit enjoyed.  Our appreciation of the blessings we often take for granted is heightened as we reflect on time spent with family and friends. Thanksgiving and appreciation for… Read more »

Employee Recognition : When it Rains it Pours

For those of our readers who reside within the greater Memphis area, you probably have a special appreciation for my appropriately timed blog-post title.  Today the Memphis area has been under flash flood warnings for the majority of the morning and afternoon. The sudden downpour made me think about a challenge faced by employee recognition… Read more »

Recognition and a Consideration of Culture

It has become almost cliché when discussing recognition to speak in terms of a “culture” of recognition, “culture” of safety, “culture” of appreciation, or “culture” of excellence.  There is good reason for this (I also use the term often), as “culture” conveys a system-wide permeation of common values, behaviors and beliefs. Culture as defined by… Read more »