Employee Recognition: Not a Quest but a Journey

Employee RecognitionMy last post – Recognition Matters Because People are Alike All Over – discussed some of the benefits of meaningful employee recognition and offered a few points for consideration.  Implementing an employee recognition program is like taking a journey.  Successfully navigating the “Path of Recognition” requires up-front planning (program design), the proper vehicle (program platform and rewards), continual assessment (reporting and analysis), awareness of your surroundings (program ROI) and a vision for what lies ahead.

With the next few posts I would like to discuss this journey and how you can successfully plan, launch and maintain an employee recognition program that is rewarding for your employees and positive for your organization.

Employee recognition programs should reflect and reinforce corporate vision, value and culture – sending a strong message to existing employees as well as prospective candidates.  If you don’t have an existing program, consider starting with Years of Service awards.  Once established, other program indicators (objectives) can easily be added to build effectiveness and momentum.  Construct a comprehensive program that will enable you to recognize a variety of behaviors and accomplishments.

Up-Front Planning – Components of Program Design

  • Identify program participants
  • Determine program indicators
  • Assign value to indicators to establish budget
  • Establish issuance frequency
  • Develop program branding and presentation materials

The QIC employee recognition program is an example of this comprehensive model.  It is called Rally Rewards (our tag is Let’s Rally) and employees are recognized each quarter during Rally Rewards luncheons for significant career milestones and other important contributions.  The program is designed to recognize tenure, individual achievement and team contributions.  Employees are awarded points which are deposited into individual point banks.  Points accumulate and may be redeemed for lifestyle rewards from the Rally Rewards program website.

Rally Rewards program awards include:

  • Years of Service (points awarded for anniversary milestones)
  • Rally on Me! – for outstanding individual performance
  • Team Award – for contributions made to complete a special project or task
  • Perfect Attendance – perfect attendance for the quarter
  • Birthday – all employees celebrating birthdays during the quarter
  • Community Service – for participation in corporate community projects

Striking out on the “Path of Recognition” may seem daunting.  The journey, with thorough planning, will prove to be a manageable (and beneficial) endeavor.  Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about employee recognition program design, or if we can assist with your employee recognition program.

Hiring Your Weaknesses and Incentive Program Success

I watched an interview recently of an entrepreneur who started a business based on a very creative and innovative idea, and now, several years later, she is a multi-billionaire.   She talked in the interview about her strengths being creativity and design, as well as never being afraid to try, even if failure was the end… Read more »

Program Reviews: Key to Employee Recognition Program Success

It’s that time of year when many of our clients evaluate the employee recognition, or customer incentive programs that they sponsor with an eye toward their continuation and/or expansion in the upcoming year. Curtailment and abandonment are also options, but let’s not dwell on those possibilities! In all seriousness, whether the news is good, or… Read more »

Utilizing Channel Sales Incentive Programs

A recent posting on the highly useful Marketing Profs newsletter provided some excellent insights into How B2B Commerce is Changing. The article, written by Ayaz Nanji, presents and analyzes the results of a survey of: — how business-to-business (B2B) interactions are changing, — why these changes are occurring, and — the challenges that companies face in… Read more »

Using Employee Recognition Programs to Drive Business Results

In this recent WorldatWork Post, Rose Stanley discusses an increase in the number of employee recognition programs that include specific business results objectives – in addition to the more traditional years of service programs, above and beyond and peer to peer, etc.  One additional reason for including business results in your employee recognition program is… Read more »