Community Service and Employee Recognition

community service and employee recognitionService projects benefit the community but they can also be an important part of your employee recognition program.  Planned projects help to build camaraderie, reinforce corporate culture, and provide employees with a structured way to contribute their time and talents.

Coordinating a community service event may seem like a daunting task, but with careful planning your project will come off without a hitch.  Recently, Quality Incentive Company organized a day of beautifying at Shelby Farms Park in Memphis, TN.  For those of you who are not familiar with Memphis, Shelby Farms has about 4,500 acres of trails and green spaces that are open to the public free of charge.  It was a perfect day and our group made a big impact mulching trees at the entrance of the park.

If you are thinking about doing a community service event, consider these tips when planning your service day.

  1.  Get the Input of Your Team:  Each group has their own set of strengths, weaknesses, and interests.  Our office has lots of gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts which helped us to select Shelby Farms as our project of choice.
  2. Have a Point of Contact:  If you are working with an outside organization, make sure you have a point of contact to help you with planning and organization the day-of.  When organizing a project with lots of participants last minute questions are sure to come up. We had questions about clothing and tools, and I was glad to have a contact to provide answers and direction the day of the event.
  3. Recognize and Review:  Don’t forget to recognize the participants who went above and beyond to participate in your project.  It is also important to get feedback in order to improve your next event.  Things to discuss in your review session include:  Was the event well-attended?  What kind of impact did your group make in the community? What would you change for next time?

Our project was a huge success.  We had excellent weather and were able to support such a great cause in our community.  Now it is time to start planning our next event!

Employee Recognition: Not a Quest but a Journey

My last post – Recognition Matters Because People are Alike All Over – discussed some of the benefits of meaningful employee recognition and offered a few points for consideration.  Implementing an employee recognition program is like taking a journey.  Successfully navigating the “Path of Recognition” requires up-front planning (program design), the proper vehicle (program platform… Read more »

Hiring Your Weaknesses and Incentive Program Success

I watched an interview recently of an entrepreneur who started a business based on a very creative and innovative idea, and now, several years later, she is a multi-billionaire.   She talked in the interview about her strengths being creativity and design, as well as never being afraid to try, even if failure was the end… Read more »

Program Reviews: Key to Employee Recognition Program Success

It’s that time of year when many of our clients evaluate the employee recognition, or customer incentive programs that they sponsor with an eye toward their continuation and/or expansion in the upcoming year. Curtailment and abandonment are also options, but let’s not dwell on those possibilities! In all seriousness, whether the news is good, or… Read more »

Using Employee Recognition Programs to Drive Business Results

In this recent WorldatWork Post, Rose Stanley discusses an increase in the number of employee recognition programs that include specific business results objectives – in addition to the more traditional years of service programs, above and beyond and peer to peer, etc.  One additional reason for including business results in your employee recognition program is… Read more »