Category: Wellness Incentives

Wellness Incentives

Be a Recognition Champion

be a recognition championBehind every successful organization, project, or team, there is a knowledgeable and well-informed person leading the way. Recently as I watched several football games, I caught myself thinking about how important it is to have someone take pride and ownership of their roll. As a coach you must be fully devoted to the success of your team. You watch videos, research your competition, you know your strongest player and you know your weakest link. You know when to push your team harder and you know when someone needs to take a break. But, as a head coach, you need help. You have an offensive coordinator, a defensive coordinator, special teams coach, quarterback coach, etc… (If you’re like me and had no idea there are actually up to 10+ coaches per team, this article helps sum it up.)

So, where am I going with this? One of the best things about QIC is all of the resources we provide for incentive and recognition program administrators. We have easy-to-use administrative portals, reports, email metrics, and an entire account management team for our clients to utilize. However, though we provide most of the support you need, every program needs an active program administrator. Programs need guidance; someone who is willing to put the time and effort into making them better.

Will Rogers says “Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.” Employee recognition, safety, and wellness programs require an administrator to help launch and guide the program through various stages. The most successful programs are led by an active, engaged program administrator – a recognition champion. Just as you want your employees to be engaged in the program, you too should be engaged in what is going on. “Quality Incentive Company creates and administers recognition and incentive programs that motivate people, inspire higher performance and deliver results.” QIC is here to help our clients meet their goals and bottom line. We are here to help guide, track, and measure results, but every team needs a leader…and that’s you! Let us help you in your journey to create a culture of safety, recognition or wellness, that’s what we do.

A Seasonal Perspective on Program Strategy

It’s the middle of autumn. It’s getting darker earlier every day. The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are still a month or more away. I know of many people (including me) who find that these seasonal circumstances can conspire to make them a bit sluggish. I’ve also seen companies that have been driving hard toward their… Read more »

Incentive Programs in a Connected World

If you are a regular reader, you may have noticed that several of our blog entries stress the importance of effective program communication within any incentive program.  Whether you are awarding years of service points in an employee recognition program or communicating your latest sales promotion within a channel sales program it is important to… Read more »

Incentive Programs – Do You Need a Bigger Boat?

Just a few weeks ago, one of the most popular TV events of the summer concluded – Shark Week on the Discovery Channel.  One reason for its popularity is our fascination and fear of those steely-eyed predators.  My two daughters and I love sharks – in fact, one of mine and my oldest daughter’s bucket… Read more »

Taking Incentive Programs Back to School

As I travel around the country these days, I encounter the unmistakable signs of the “back-to-school” season – more traffic, football games, advertisements for school supplies and less crowded airplanes, just to name a few. It’s been a couple of years since our family has experienced this rite of passage first-hand – and I must… Read more »