Category: Wellness Incentives

Wellness Incentives

A Shift from Defensive to Offensive Measures

A Shift from Defensive to Offensive Measures

We have been in a defensive posture for some time now, as stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures seem to have been somewhat effective in lessening the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic.  While the situation is far from over, there are positive indications that moving forward with caution is now possible.  The analogy does not hold completely, of course – even defensive measures can be considered offensive measures – and are aggressive and necessary.

As society begins to open back up with limiting measures in place, it is important to maintain our defense against the spread of the disease by continuing to practice common sense behaviors.  Some of the behaviors we have learned all too well during this pandemic make sense and should be practiced anyway.  Going forward, at least for some time, employees will be strongly encouraged to stay at home when sick instead of remaining silent and trying to work through.  Practicing personal and respiratory hygiene will be a priority.

When associates who have been working remotely or have been furloughed begin to come back into the workplace, our priority should be to maintain the precautions established for those who continued to commute to work.  You should already have a clearly defined campus policy which applies to all visitors and associates.  If you have not adopted and implemented a pandemic policy, there are many resources available from CDC, WHO, and OSHA which we refer to you.  These sites are updated frequently and will keep you informed of important factors that can impact your plans.  You should also be aware of local and state direction.

If you have a policy in place, how are you communicating it to associates who will be returning to the office or jobsite?  We have seen diversity among our clients regarding up to date communication.  Larger organizations typically have extensive methods of communication, while smaller companies struggle, as tools and methods are limited.  Many of those responsible for communication are working remotely, posing additional challenges.

In addition to email, text, websites, posted material onsite, and video conferencing – consider the use of short videos to communicate your campus pandemic policy and other important content.  Links to hosted video can be shared via all mediums and can be more effective than static documents.  Keeping each one brief – two to three minutes or less – will also maximize effectiveness.

As people begin to get out more, as retail businesses begin to open again, and as employees begin going back to work – keep personal safety a top priority.  Let’s go on offense and we will get through this.

Emphasizing Safe and Healthy Behavior

Emphasizing Safe and Healthy Behavior When it comes to employee recognition programs, none are more important or impactful as well-designed, properly executed employee safety programs.  The safety and health of employees should be an essential part of any organization’s mission, and such programs can prove to be very effective in contributing to that end. Investing… Read more »

Spotlighting Merchandise Rewards

Small businesses are experiencing high levels of success utilizing incentive programs that feature merchandise rewards, according to a recent IMRA (Incentive Manufacturers and Representatives Alliance) survey/study.  The survey was conducted in partnership with the IRF (Incentive Research Foundation) and focused on companies with between $1 million and $50 million in annual sales. IMRA found that… Read more »

Motivation: Turning Discipline Into Dedication

We’ve all attended those motivational seminars where for a short period afterwards we are super motivated but quickly return to neutral within just a week or two and begin doing the same old things the same old way.  An article I read recently referred to motivation created from a dose of such motivational programming as… Read more »

Safety Santas who Deliver Coal don’t get Cookies and Milk

It’s officially winter and holiday lights are springing up on buildings and trees in neighborhoods across America. Along with all of the joy associated with the season, there is also an element of stress. While many parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents search for the best prices for gifts on their recipients’ wish lists, the children… Read more »