Tag: Employee Safety Programs

Employee Safety Programs – Have the Right Tools

Employee Safety - Having the RIght Tool

Ever been ready to take on a task or project, only to find that you didn’t have the right tool for the job?  While not the handiest when it comes to mechanical, home remodeling or building projects – I do enjoy taking on projects myself when possible.  For example, I like to perform the scheduled maintenance on my vehicles rather than taking them to someone else.  I’ve also enjoyed laying tile and wood flooring in our home, among other projects.

These tasks become much more difficult, and the likelihood of an unsatisfactory result increases without the proper tools.  The same is true of employee safety programs.  The best strategy will include several elements – and your employee safety program is only one of them!  

Have a plan.  Consider your current situation – and the tools needed to implement a safety program –to enhance your organization’s culture of safety. 

Have the proper tools.

  • Safety Policies and Procedures should be clearly defined and communicated
  • Safety Training Guidelines by job type and responsibility
  • Establish Safety Teams / Regularly Scheduled Safety Meetings
  • Safety Gear
  • Establish Safe Operating Guidelines and Procedures for Equipment and Vehicles
  • Points Based Employee Safety Program

Have Patience.  It takes time to effectively work through the planning stages and, once implemented – to see results.  Think about those times when you tried to complete a project, and instead of putting it off until you had the proper tool, went ahead with less-than-desired results.  And remember the adage – “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

An effective employee safety program will compliment and support all the other components of your safety initiative.  You may have a beautiful, shiny tool box – but putting a hammer in it and calling it done is not only inadequate – it can also be counterproductive.  Make sure you have the right tools for the job – contact us to find out more about points based employee safety programs.

Participant Experience: Survey Says …

Our web-based incentive points platform features many modules designed to enhance the participant experience.  Our clients use these to ensure participant engagement and maximize the benefit of their sales incentive or employee recognition programs.  Whether it is the utilization of graphic goal trackers for a sales incentive program or the utilization of badges for “shout-outs”… Read more »

Safe for Life

When it comes to employee recognition programs, none are more important or impactful as well-crafted, properly executed employee safety programs.  Keeping employees safe at work should be an essential part of any organization’s mission, and we are proud to play a role in assisting our clients with this important responsibility. June has been named National… Read more »

Whether your Mission is a Comet or Motivation-Tracking is a Necessity

Getting to a comet from Earth doesn’t happen overnight, but most Earthlings would be fairly pleased with the distance between themselves and the massive objects in our solar system. And if your destination is 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the trip would take you over seven years. Most scientists would consider the time a worthy investment for the knowledge… Read more »

July – Incentive Program KPI Awareness Month

OK – I admit naming July as Incentive Program KPI Awareness Month is a stretch (and hard to say in one breath), but turns out it isn’t really that far off the plate (just a little bit outside).  We have no shortage of national awareness causes and events each month and July is no exception. … Read more »