Author: Jeff Edwards

As Vice President of QIC, Jeff oversees daily operations as well as the company’s strategic marketing initiatives. He has 20+ years in the incentive and recognition industry with prior lengthy experience in retail marketing/advertising and consumer loyalty.

Thresholds of Performance

thresholds of performanceI had some interesting thoughts this week around the idea of thresholds and how many of our personal and business relationships are influenced, if not governed by them.  As I’ve written here a few times, one of my most enjoyable and satisfying activities is piloting a motorcycle.

I also enjoy reading and subscribe to several publications dedicated to the sport – one being Motorcyclist.  In the September, 2015 edition, Keith Code discusses balancing thresholds in our riding (his Code Break column is the first thing I read).  His ability to convey technical information in practical terms comes from years of experience – both riding and teaching.  I was fortunate to attend his California Superbike School and he is even better in person (highly recommended).

Code defines a threshold as “the level of intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, result, or condition to occur.”  His examples include how much throttle it takes to accelerate, how much brake to slow or stop, and how much traction is required for maximum cornering.  A threshold, he adds, can also be the point of excess – how much is too much gas, too much brake, or too much lean angle.

The practical application comes from summary statements in the article.

“Riding is an act of balancing those thresholds.”

“The pivotal questions always remain the same: What’s too much and what’s too little?”

Substitute “life” or “business” in place of riding in the sentence above.  How much is required to achieve a certain reaction, result or condition?  Consider a child exploring behavioral boundaries in order to find thresholds of positive or negative reward.  Like finding the threshold of clutch engagement and balancing it against the throttle threshold to move smoothly forward, we must find a balance in our relationships.

In our context, what is required to achieve the desired, positive behaviors in an organization?  Employee recognition and business incentive programs are constructed around thresholds of performance – and balanced with thresholds of reward and recognition significant enough to inspire positive results.

Just as understanding the fundamentals of acceleration, braking and cornering thresholds remain priorities for motorcyclists, having a clear understanding of your objectives and thresholds of performance – balanced with the thresholds of reward and recognition – will provide a more positive outcome for your organization.

Demonstrating Appreciation

Recently I had reason to review Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and was pleased to discover this Compensation Café article by contributing author Derek Irvine (check out Derek’s blog here – highly recommended).  Maslow’s summary of needs, wants, fulfillment and self-actualization is well known and certainly relevant to employee recognition and improving employee engagement. Last… Read more »

Reflecting on Thanksgiving and Appreciation

Even though the Thanksgiving holiday is almost a week past, memories are still fresh enough that many are still talking about the good food, fellowship and festive spirit enjoyed.  Our appreciation of the blessings we often take for granted is heightened as we reflect on time spent with family and friends. Thanksgiving and appreciation for… Read more »