Pop Quiz – How to Enhance Your Incentive Program?
I’m a big fan of online quizzes and surveys, as I briefly noted in this previous post. And given how many of them there are these days, it appears that I have a lot of company. There are a number of reasons for the popularity of such vehicles. They present both an immediate challenge –… Read more »
Safety Incentive Programs 8 Best Practices Infographic
Reflecting on Thanksgiving and Appreciation
Even though the Thanksgiving holiday is almost a week past, memories are still fresh enough that many are still talking about the good food, fellowship and festive spirit enjoyed. Our appreciation of the blessings we often take for granted is heightened as we reflect on time spent with family and friends. Thanksgiving and appreciation for… Read more »
How a Sales Incentive Program Works – Infographic
Whether your Mission is a Comet or Motivation-Tracking is a Necessity
Getting to a comet from Earth doesn’t happen overnight, but most Earthlings would be fairly pleased with the distance between themselves and the massive objects in our solar system. And if your destination is 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the trip would take you over seven years. Most scientists would consider the time a worthy investment for the knowledge… Read more »