Category: Wellness Incentives

Wellness Incentives

An Incentive to Review and Assess

An Incentive to Review and AssessI have been working in the incentive and recognition industry for nearly fifteen years and have grown accustomed to its seasonal stages.  For example, summer’s arrival means the opportunity for mid-year review and assessment.  It is the perfect time for clients to take stock of the state of their businesses, and make plans for the remainder of the year. There’s still time to impact total year results, but only if one takes decisive action now.

For clients with existing incentive or recognition programs, this is a good time to do a comprehensive program review. Here at QIC, we have an established protocol for such reviews, including analyses of participant engagement, point award and redemption activity and reward item popularity. We use the output of these analyses to help our clients make adjustments to key performance indicators (see Mike Sullivan’s recent blog post ) and develop communications campaigns to insure the program’s visibility with participants. This, in turn, increases the likelihood that the program will drive the intended and desired business results for the year (and beyond).

For those clients that don’t have programs, a mid-year assessment of progress to plan many times highlights a need for corrective (or supportive) action. In some such cases, QIC has worked with clients on short-term programs that award customers for meeting prescribed year-end targets. In other cases, we have developed point-earning contests that award internal sales forces for exceeding budgeted levels. In all cases, QIC employs regular and frequent communication of a variety of types (see my earlier blog post ) to keep the short-term initiative “top of mind” for customers or sales personnel.

If you find your business wildly exceeding your mid-year plan numbers – congratulations! If not, and would like some ideas about how to help make your year a success, please contact us here or give us a call.


Incentive and Recognition Program ROI – Review Objectives and Indicators

“I” “I BELIEVE” “I BELIEVE THAT” “I BELIEVE THAT WE” “I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL KEEP OUR INCENTIVE/RECOGNITION PROGRAM FRESH BY REVISING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES THROUGHOUT THE LIFE OF THE PROGRAM.” Now that we have that out of the way, I find myself guilty of not pushing clients to adjust program goals and objectives as… Read more »

Program Design: Balancing Meaningful Budgets and Measurable Expectations

Our sales team recently worked on a channel sales opportunity that highlighted the importance of program design – specifically balancing the program budget and participant expectations. The key to success in this process is to understand and reconcile the following factors: the value of expected incentive earnings that will be meaningful to the program participant,… Read more »

Wellness Programs and Cat’s Eyes Cunningham

If your company is like many these days, it has an employee wellness program in place – or one is under consideration.  In fact, according to a 2012 report by the Rand Corporation, 92 percent of US companies with more than 200 employees offered a wellness program.  Wellness initiatives continue to grow in popularity, largely… Read more »