Author: Jeff Edwards

As Vice President of QIC, Jeff oversees daily operations as well as the company’s strategic marketing initiatives. He has 20+ years in the incentive and recognition industry with prior lengthy experience in retail marketing/advertising and consumer loyalty.

Weathering the Perfect Storm

Most businesses today, regardless of industry, are struggling with a convergence of significant challenges unlike anything in recent memory.  Developing strategies to address a persistent labor shortage, supply chain disruptions, and record inflation is a daunting but imperative endeavor.  It is not just a matter of weathering the perfect storm – it is about staying on course and emerging to fair seas in sea-worthy condition.

When strong headwinds subside, strategies in place today will continue to contribute to overall organizational performance and success.  In today’s rough seas, companies with sound engagement, recognition, and safety strategies in place are realizing their value, while those without are experiencing additional frustration.

June is designated National Safety Month by the National Safety Council (NSC), and for this reason our posts this month have focused on safety.  Helping clients design and implement comprehensive employee safety programs has always been an important part of what we do – and never more needed than today.

Two factors mentioned above are contributing to an increase in on-the-job injuries to workers with less than three months on the job (Barry Bottino – Safety+Health).  The labor shortage forces employers to fill open positions by turning to younger, inexperienced workers.  Record inflation has also forced more mature workers to start jobs they’ve never done before.  This increase in inexperienced workers – both young and older – increases the potential for injury, especially within the first three months to one year on the job.

Barry Bottino cites two industry professionals regarding imperative safety measures.  Bruce Loughner, technical safety advisor for the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, recommends a robust onboarding program that includes a significant focus on safe attitudes and behaviors – one that exceeds minimal discussions about orientation and compliance.  OSHA spokesperson Kim Darby recommends that “employers, regardless of industry, perform job safety analysis to identify the hazards inexperienced workers may face.”

A comprehensive employee safety program will certainly include these measures and will also encourage engagement on the part of all employees.  It isn’t enough to rely on inexperienced workers to navigate a new and dangerous workplace alone.  Workers should not only look out for themselves, but for their fellow employees.

Preventable Accidents Occurring Earlier in Tenure

Present-day challenges in the workplace are creating legitimate concerns about an increase in preventable accidents, as businesses try to meet growing demand with a less-than-full complement of staff. National Safety Council’s Safety+Health magazine references one study that bears this out – showing that injuries are occurring much earlier in workers’ job tenure. The study was conducted by researchers from Selective… Read more »

Safety Concerns at All-Time High

Last month the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released estimates of traffic fatalities for 2021.  As reported by NHTSA, last year was a deadly one, in which fatalities reached a 16-year high – a 10.5% increase from the previous year.  This is the largest annual percentage increase in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System’s (FARS)… Read more »

Another Look at Engagement and Performance

A year ago, we commented on the important link that exists between employee engagement, organizational culture, and company performance.  Given the complications, disruptions, and upheaval experienced during the pandemic season, the consensus was that many of the ramifications pressed upon society and workplace would continue – perhaps becoming permanent. As we rapidly approach the midpoint… Read more »

Make Something Happen – Sell Something

Perhaps you have heard the adage, “Nothing Happens Until Somebody Sells Something.”  It has been attributed to several people, such as Arthur “Red” Motley, Peter Drucker, Thomas Watson (IBM), and Henry Ford.  Regardless of the source, it has been a clarion call of sorts for salespersons through the years – just trying to “make something… Read more »