Category: Sales Solutions

Rob’s Top 5 from 2013 – QIC Recognition and Incentive Posts

Robs Top 5 from 2013 - QIC Recognition and Incentive PostsWe’ve had a successful and productive year here at QIC, with several significant additions to our team, numerous new program start-ups, and the launch of this blog. It’s been fun, interesting and entertaining coming with commentary on recognition and incentive topics that (we hope) have been valuable for our followers.

It’s been insightful and enjoyable to read the posts of my fellow QIC bloggers. In the spirit of end-of-year lists, I compiled a list of my five favorite 2013 recognition and incentive posts to the QIC Blog (in no particular order). In case you missed them the first time, here they are again.

The first two posts are related:

In this nicely linked sequence, Michelle and Alison highlight the potential use and value of recognition and incentive programs in helping to create a safe work environment. But more important (at least in my mind) is the emphasis that these two posts place on the role of the leader in making any workplace initiative successful. Management commitment is a key ingredient in recognition and incentive programs, as we highlight in our discussions of best practices.

I also liked:

This post particularly resonated with me because it speaks to a central reason why companies sometimes hesitate to use proven and available tools – it just seems too difficult to do so. Jeff does a great job of debunking that myth – and provides some pretty fun imagery in the process.

Another post that I feel is among the best of the year is:

We all know that attracting and retaining high-quality employees is critical to organizational success. What we may not know is how much turnover can cost, or what an effective culture of recognition can do to counter it. In this post, Scott clearly and effectively outlines both aspects of this discussion – I recommend it highly.

Finally, I know that it may seem a bit self-serving, but I’m going to throw one of my early posts into the mix.

This post focuses on a practice that I try to follow at all times. And that is to do “first things first” or, in other words, establish a firm foundation. That approach is valuable in wide variety of settings, but is especially so in designing and implementing a recognition or incentive program. Whenever you work with us, rest assured that we will keep this foremost in our thinking.

In closing, I thank all of our clients, partners, team members and followers for a great year. We’re looking forward to an even more exciting and successful 2014!  All of us at QIC wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year!

Program Engagement and the Endowed Progress Effect

One key factor in achieving early engagement in an employee recognition or sales incentive program is often overlooked – dedicating a small portion of your budget for enrollment or activation in the program.  This does not have to be a substantial monetary investment, but simply a little something to get the participant started while reinforcing… Read more »

Happy New (Recognition and Incentive Program) Year!

Almost everyone I speak with has been busy with the hustle and bustle of the holidays during the past few weeks, and QIC’s account management team is no exception!  During the month of December we not only plan new recognition and incentive program launches, but many re-launches need to be in place by January 1st. … Read more »

Hiring Your Weaknesses and Incentive Program Success

I watched an interview recently of an entrepreneur who started a business based on a very creative and innovative idea, and now, several years later, she is a multi-billionaire.   She talked in the interview about her strengths being creativity and design, as well as never being afraid to try, even if failure was the end… Read more »

Program Reviews: Key to Employee Recognition Program Success

It’s that time of year when many of our clients evaluate the employee recognition, or customer incentive programs that they sponsor with an eye toward their continuation and/or expansion in the upcoming year. Curtailment and abandonment are also options, but let’s not dwell on those possibilities! In all seriousness, whether the news is good, or… Read more »

Utilizing Channel Sales Incentive Programs

A recent posting on the highly useful Marketing Profs newsletter provided some excellent insights into How B2B Commerce is Changing. The article, written by Ayaz Nanji, presents and analyzes the results of a survey of: — how business-to-business (B2B) interactions are changing, — why these changes are occurring, and — the challenges that companies face in… Read more »