Category: Human Resource Solutions

Going the Extra Mile for Your Clients and Your Team

Go the Extra Mile

At QIC, we’re very fortunate to have a group of conscientious, committed team members.  A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned our standards of behavior, which we refer to as QIC Exclamations – because they exclaim our unique culture and are exemplified by our extraordinary people.  To a person, we own these behaviors and our mission is to live them each day; in front of each other and our clients.

Exclamation #2 sounds simple: Go the Extra Mile.  But what does that mean, really?  Within any organization, it’s important to foster an atmosphere of teamwork through common goals – mission, objectives, and purpose become clear to everyone.  Like a pitcher with a solid team behind him or her, we have a level of trust in each other that says, “together there’s nothing we can’t do!”

Sometimes situations require a little more, and we each must be willing to do what’s needed to accomplish the job or project, or to solve a specific issue or problem.  Even when it involves doing something that isn’t part of a job description, for the benefit of our client and other teammates – we Go the Extra Mile.

On this day in 1952, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Fletcher and Lieutenant Colonel William Benedict landed a ski-modified U.S. Air Force C-47 on the North Pole.  Exiting the aircraft, Joe Fletcher walked to the exact geographic North Pole – most likely the first person to do so.  Others had reached the North Pole, but it’s believed that Joe was the first to undisputedly stand on the exact Pole.  For more, check out this article from

When unexpected or unavoidable circumstances arise and need to be addressed, it’s important to have an attitude of an explorer – like Lieutenant Colonel Joe Fletcher.  He was willing, ready, and able to conquer circumstances that may have prevented him from achieving his goal.  But Joe would not have been successful without a highly skilled and dedicated team of technicians and support staff – the United States Air Force!  His copilot, Lieutenant Colonel Benedict – was as much a part of the mission as he.  I wonder how they determined who would be the first to stand on the North Pole!

While you probably won’t be leading your team on any expeditions to the North Pole, having the same attitude will go a long way toward getting you and your team through the extra mile.  And if you have any hesitation taking the first step, refer to exclamation #1: Do the Right Thing.

Cows, Cow Dogs, and Culture

Last month while discussing employee engagement and culture, I mentioned David Friedman and his company, High Performing Culture.  David provides his clients with a practical, sustainable way to identify and build cultural behaviors (he calls these fundamentals).  At QIC, we refer to our fundamentals as “exclamations,” as they exclaim our high standards and commitment to… Read more »

Emphasizing Safe and Healthy Behavior

Emphasizing Safe and Healthy Behavior When it comes to employee recognition programs, none are more important or impactful as well-designed, properly executed employee safety programs.  The safety and health of employees should be an essential part of any organization’s mission, and such programs can prove to be very effective in contributing to that end. Investing… Read more »