Perhaps you have heard the adage, “Nothing Happens Until Somebody Sells Something.” It has been attributed to several people, such as Arthur “Red” Motley, Peter Drucker, Thomas Watson (IBM), and Henry Ford. Regardless of the source, it has been a clarion call of sorts for salespersons through the years – just trying to “make something happen.”
Considering the designation of December 10 as National Salesperson Day, it struck me that it’s probably no coincidence that this day of recognition for salespersons falls late in Q4 – as they look back on this year’s efforts and results, and forward to a new year of opportunities.
The significant challenges brought about by COVID-19, and the reality that many of these will continue for the foreseeable future is sobering. Sales teams have had to sell higher-priced products with limited availability due to delays in manufacturing and a crippled supply chain – while their support teams are hampered by staff shrinkage and reduced resources.
While sales teams feel the pressure to “make something happen,” existing and potential clients are facing the same kinds of internal and external challenges, which makes selling even more difficult.
How can sales teams adjust their tactics and continue to drive new business – despite an uncertain economy, supply shortages, and COVID-19 constraints? My colleague, Scott Newman (QIC’s President & CEO) offers his unique advice in a recent op-ed published in Sales & Marketing Management. I’m confident you will find this piece entitled Selling Into the Headwinds of Today’s Unique Environment interesting and insightful, and invite you to give it a read.
On this day of recognition, we salute our own business development team, as well as salespersons everywhere who are passionate about “making something happen.”