
A few weeks ago, we posted about QIC’s preparedness measures in response to the spread of COVID-19. Since that time much has changed, and the spread of the Coronavirus continues to impact our daily lives personally and professionally.

Many of us have friends, family, or acquaintances that have been quarantined with the virus or await test results. This is a challenging time, and we encourage our associates, clients, and suppliers to be diligent about remaining safe and healthy.

At QIC, we also want to provide a safe environment for our associates and anyone else who might be on our campus.


In keeping with our personnel and disaster preparedness protocol, QIC has implemented a pandemic plan designed to ensure the safety and well-being of the QIC team and includes contingencies for possible work disruption issues. We currently do not have any cases of COVID-19 affecting associates or our ability to provide services to our clients.

We have had no delays in reward fulfillment and delivery, as our distribution center remains open and our supply chain partners continue to operate.


QIC continues to follow and implement CDC and WHO guidance, as well as from other local, state, and national health organizations. We are currently operating in accordance with local and state government directives. QIC’s pandemic plan includes the following measures.

• Associates with viral symptoms are not allowed to report to work
• Associates with family members traveling home (such as college students) are required to stay at home at least 14 days
• QIC’s Temporary Dispersed Workforce policy is in effect – all associates with remote capabilities are required to telework
• Domestic and international travel has been discontinued
• All facilities are cleaned and sanitized frequently
• Disinfectant sprays and wipes are required and used throughout the day
• All associates are practicing social distancing

We value our associates, clients, and suppliers. We will continue with safety measures and will communicate our status as the situation continues to develop.

As Vice President of QIC, Jeff oversees daily operations as well as the company’s strategic marketing initiatives. He has 20+ years in the incentive and recognition industry with prior lengthy experience in retail marketing/advertising and consumer loyalty.

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