Category: Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement

Favorite QIC Posts from 2015

Favorite QIC Posts from 2015It seems hard to believe, but the QIC Blog is approaching its third anniversary. Since its launch in 2013, my colleagues and I have enlightened you (or so we like to think) with over 150 posts, covering a wide range of topics related to recognition and incentive programs. We certainly hope that you have taken the opportunity to avail yourselves of at least a few of them.

In the event that you missed some posts from earlier this year, and recognizing that year-end is a time to reflect, I’m going to dedicate this entry to a look at the Best of the QIC Blog for 2015. For those of you who recall that I did this at the end of 2013 as well, please accept my apology for lack of imagination. Anyway, here’s a list of my favorites, in no particular order.

Two of my esteemed colleagues used entertainment references to drive home some important program concepts.

  • In Badges? We Don’t Need No Stinking Badges, Jeff Edwards provided an entertaining cinematic history of that quote as the means to introduce the new URecognize feature of QIC’s proprietary IncenTracâ technology platform. This unique and fun way for program participants to recognize each other has met with great acceptance. I invite you to read Jeff’s post to learn more about it.
  • Keith Brigham found inspiration on the smaller screen and used the popularity of reality television shows to emphasize the very important point that effective ongoing communications are essential for incentive program success and sustainability. His post is appropriately named Don’t Just Survive – THRIVE with Communication.

Mike Sullivan’s post Engage Your Remote Workforce with Employee Recognition offered some very important thoughts about how and why recognition programs can positively affect a distributed workforce. It certainly resonated with me, working as I do in a satellite office.

And for all you football fans, Brant Dolan made his first post to our Blog with an offering entitled First Down Sales Leadership. This clever and insightful piece clearly articulated the importance of achieving milestones in the sales process – and how an incentive program can support that approach.

Finally, I direct your attention to a paper that was authored by our own Jacilyn Bennett. While originally intended as a post to our Blog, we felt that it was so well-documented and written that we included it in the Articles and Whitepapers section of our Web site. Her paper is called Setting Motivational Goals – The Art and Science of Motivating Employees and I recommend it highly.

In closing, I congratulate and commend all of our QIC authors. Your creative and thoughtful contributions are much appreciated by me – and by our followers. And thanks to all of you that follow our Blog – we are grateful for your support. All best wishes for a terrific 2016.

Employee Engagement: Are you In or Out?

“You’re either in or you’re out.”  A long-time friend and former partner is oft-times heard uttering these words – his way of sizing up situations and dealing with indecision or ambiguity.  While applicable in a good number of life and business scenarios, it doesn’t reflect employee engagement in the American workplace, according to Gallup’s 2013… Read more »