Tag: safety

Effective Safety Incentive Programs Don’t Happen by Accident

Safety Incentive ProgramsDesigned to reduce OSHA incident and accident rates, formal safety incentive programs have served to keep safe practices top of mind by enhancing the safety culture and elevating safety awareness throughout the organization. Safety programs offer considerable ROI potential – over $4 for every $1 invested according to the Liberty Mutual Institute for safety – while helping to ingrain safe thinking and safe practices in everyone’s work habits.  The positive effects are long-term benefits which become established and over time – part of the organization’s DNA. What kind of results are you seeing from your safety initiative?  What trends are you seeing?  Need a safety shot in the arm?  Consider these elements of successful safety programs.

  • Top-Down Participation — Engagement is critical, and should include management support and involvement.   By taking an active interest in the safety and welfare of employees, executives, managers and supervisors influence the entire organization and convey safety as a priority.
  • Safety Scorecard – Include safety metrics in company performance reviews and publicly recognize individuals and teams for achieving safety goals and objectives.
  • Avoid “All of Nothing” Program Designs – properly structured incentives — ones that encourage employee involvement in safe work practices — should lead to improvements in accident rates without giving employees any reason to “hide” accidents or injuries.
  • Communicate and Communicate Some More — globally throughout the company — not just to those groups of workers affected by safety issues.  All associates should get the message that their employer truly cares about — and is investing in — maintaining a safe workplace.
  • Recognize the Power of Recognition – your safety incentive program is at its core employee recognition.  Frequent, public recognition of employee safety accomplishments will have a powerful effect on morale, engagement and performance.

Find out more about effective safety incentive programs by visiting our best practices website or contacting us today.