Author: Jeff Edwards

As Vice President of QIC, Jeff oversees daily operations as well as the company’s strategic marketing initiatives. He has 20+ years in the incentive and recognition industry with prior lengthy experience in retail marketing/advertising and consumer loyalty.

Navigating the Path of Employee Recognition

Navigating the Path of Employee RecognitionAs I discussed in my last post, Employee Recognition: Not a Quest but a Journey, implementing an employee recognition program requires thoughtful consideration and planning.  With attention to detail your program will be beneficial and significantly meaningful to the organization and program participants.  Last time we identified several program components as factors for success.

Lessons from the Road – Getting the most out of your Journey

I’m a motorcyclist, and my riding experience yields some interesting parallels to this discussion.  I ride alone most of the time so it is critical for me to make sure I have everything in order before hitting the road.  This includes the planning phase – planning the route, scheduling refueling stops along the way, and determining a realistic travel timeline.

Solid design (up-front planning) is crucial – but it isn’t the only important factor to consider.  The proper vehicle is equally important; one that is suited to the task of long distance riding and in good mechanical condition in order to deliver me safely to my chosen destination.  I must also employ proper and effective riding gear to protect against the elements and any [incidental] contact with the road or fellow travelers.  First aid, tire repair and other emergency supplies must also be included.

Just as a properly equipped motorcycle is important for a successful long distance bike trip, the vehicles you choose for employee recognition (platform and rewards collection) must also be capable and suited to the task.

  • Technology drives program success – make sure you choose a recognition platform that provides ample administration and comprehensive reporting.  It must be designed for the specific task of managing employee recognition and incentive programs.  It should feature integrated communication capability and be flexible and scalable in order to accommodate program adjustments along the way.
  • Program rewards are tangible expressions of appreciation and recognition for a significant accomplishment, identified individual or team objective that is met, or career milestone achieved.  Make sure your program’s budget is appropriate for the level of activity or achievement.

Contact us to find out more about choosing the right vehicle for your employee recognition program.  With the right planning and vehicle, the road ahead just might turn out to be the next great adventure.

Employee Recognition: Not a Quest but a Journey

My last post – Recognition Matters Because People are Alike All Over – discussed some of the benefits of meaningful employee recognition and offered a few points for consideration.  Implementing an employee recognition program is like taking a journey.  Successfully navigating the “Path of Recognition” requires up-front planning (program design), the proper vehicle (program platform… Read more »

Recognition and Incentive Programs … Mysterious or Meaningful?

The Voynich Manuscript … The Great Pyramids … Stonehenge – fascinating mysteries to be sure.  If you’re hesitant regarding the implementation of employee recognition or sales channel incentive programs because you view the task as mysterious as these … relax, rethink, and reconsider! Allen Schweyer, Principal and Partner at Human Capital Innovation (CHCI), discusses what… Read more »