Program Communications
Reach out to your participants – whenever you want
You know that saying, “Out of sight, out of mind?” It applies here. A program won’t succeed at motivating people if it’s under the radar and forgotten — or if it has to compete with a plethora of other initiatives for “airtime.”
We’ll develop a solid communications plan to reach program participants and drive engagement, and assist with the design and production of promotional materials to create and sustain interest.
With IncenTrac® – our web-based incentive platform – you can reach out to individual participants with branded, personalized email communications. Inform about account activity, provide a performance recap, send birthday wishes, or congratulations for a service or safety anniversary.
We handle all the details, and provide performance data (delivery, open rates, etc.) for every email campaign.
Communicating program-wide news and updates is easy, thanks to the IncenTrac® newsfeed feature. Participants have instant access right from their account homepage.
Need to gather information from your team? Test them on a new product’s features, or company policies? IncenTrac® features a quiz and survey module that is integrated with program point issuance at the individual account level.
Effective communications significantly enhance potential program success, and we can assist you in maximizing touch points to keep everyone informed, engaged and motivated.
Contact us today to learn more about how our incentive program communications services can keep your program exciting, relevant and on track.