Category: Years of Service Award Programs

Years of Service Award Programs

Demonstrating Appreciation

demonstrating appreciationRecently I had reason to review Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and was pleased to discover this Compensation Café article by contributing author Derek Irvine (check out Derek’s blog here – highly recommended).  Maslow’s summary of needs, wants, fulfillment and self-actualization is well known and certainly relevant to employee recognition and improving employee engagement.

Last week I asked what role recognition might play in improving engagement, productivity and profitability during 2015.  This year will be interesting – as Irvine points out the predictions of many that burnout will cause voluntary turnover to rise.  After years of asking fewer employees to perform tasks of once-larger teams, cultivating a culture of appreciation is as important as ever.

Irvine cites an online survey of adult full-time employees from last fall to reinforce this point.  When employees are appreciated for their everyday successes:

  • 58% said they were more likely to have a better attitude at work
  • 45% said they would be motivated to do a better job
  • 32% said they would be motivated to stay with the company longer

Younger workers are even more concerned about being shown that they aren’t taken for granted:

  • 33% of workers said they have resigned from a job because they didn’t feel their everyday contributions were appreciated
  • 37% of workers under 40 said they’ve quit because they were underappreciated

It really is as simple as this: developing a culture of appreciation is directly linked to consistent demonstration of appreciation.  Don’t just assume that employees know they are important and appreciated – demonstrate this in practical ways.

I notice you.  I notice your work.  I see what you do.  I appreciate you for it.

Recognition programs help to solidify and establish your commitment to do just that.  It takes more than raises and promotions to retain employees and engage them in your organization’s strategic objectives and ultimate success.

Reflecting on Thanksgiving and Appreciation

Even though the Thanksgiving holiday is almost a week past, memories are still fresh enough that many are still talking about the good food, fellowship and festive spirit enjoyed.  Our appreciation of the blessings we often take for granted is heightened as we reflect on time spent with family and friends. Thanksgiving and appreciation for… Read more »

A Seasonal Perspective on Program Strategy

It’s the middle of autumn. It’s getting darker earlier every day. The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are still a month or more away. I know of many people (including me) who find that these seasonal circumstances can conspire to make them a bit sluggish. I’ve also seen companies that have been driving hard toward their… Read more »

Incentive Programs in a Connected World

If you are a regular reader, you may have noticed that several of our blog entries stress the importance of effective program communication within any incentive program.  Whether you are awarding years of service points in an employee recognition program or communicating your latest sales promotion within a channel sales program it is important to… Read more »